
Voter Helpline App Download For Pc

You are here: Home / Apps / Download Voter Helpline App for PC (Windows and Mac)

In this guide, we will show you How to Download and Install Voter Helpline App for PC Windows and Mac.

Page Contents

  • 1 Voter Helpline App for PC
    • 1.1 Features of Voter Helpline App
    • 1.2 Download Voter Helpline APK Free
    • 1.3 How to Install Voter Helpline App for PC (Windows and Mac)
      • 1.3.1 Method 1: Install Voter Helpline on PC using BlueStacks
      • 1.3.2 Method 2: Install Voter Helpline on PC using NoxPlayer
    • 1.4 Conclusion

Voter Helpline App for PC

Voter Helpline is an Indian app for voter registrations and elections. It is officially designed by the Indian Election Commission. This app runs effectively on PCs that use emulators to run mobile apps.

With the Voter Helpline PC App, the active democratic citizenry is encouraged. This app provides a single point of service and information delivery to voters across the country. It helps to develop a culture of keen electoral engagement, helps voters to develop informed and ethical ballot decisions, in other to ensure the best candidate is chosen.

Download Voter Helpline App for PC (Windows and Mac)

This app allows citizens who are up to the voting age to verify their name in the electoral roll, in other to ensure they have not been disenfranchised. More so, for first-time voters, registration can be done with the app, corrections, and shifts of constituencies can be done through the app. The app also received complaints from voters relating to electoral services. And to ensure adequate feedback, answers are provided to frequently asked questions from voters concerning electoral processes.

To keep the voters informed, the app consists of all candidates, their profiles, assets, criminal records income statements. You can even download the list of contesting candidates. Furthermore, in case of urgent enquiry, you can find polling Official Contacts there and call them. Finally, on this same app, you can click on a selfie after voting, to get a chance to be featured in the official voter Helpline gallery.

Features of Voter Helpline App

  • Electoral search
  • Submission of Online forms
  • Register complaints
  • Answers FAQ
  • Service and resources
  • Election schedules
  • Candidate Profile
  • Polling Official Contacts
  • List of contesting candidate
  • Voter's Helpline gallery

Download Voter Helpline APK Free

Name Voter Helpline
App Version




App Size


Supported Android Version

4.4 and up

Last Update Sep 2021
License Type Free
Download File Voter Helpline APK

How to Install Voter Helpline App for PC (Windows and Mac)

There are 2 methods to install Voter Helpline on your PC Windows 7, 8, 10 or Mac.

Method 1: Install Voter Helpline on PC using BlueStacks

  • First of all, You need to Download BlueStacks on your PC (Windows/Mac) from the given link below.
  • Double click on the file you downloaded to install BlueStacks Android Emulator on your PC (Windows/Mac).
  • It will launch a setup wizard. Just follow on-screen instructions and installation will be done in a few minutes.
  • Once it is installed. Click on the BlueStacks icon on your desktop to launch the Emulator.
  • Open Google Play Store and Type "Voter Helpline" in the search bar.
  • Find the Voter Helpline app from appeared search results and Click on Install.
  • It will take a few seconds to install Voter Helpline on your PC (Windows/Mac).
  • After successfully installed click on Voter Helpline from the BlueStacks home screen to start using it.

Method 2: Install Voter Helpline on PC using NoxPlayer

  • First of all, You need to Download NoxPlayer on your PC (Windows/Mac) from the given link below.
  • Install NoxPlayer Android Emulator on your PC (Windows/Mac).
  • Open NoxPlayer Android Emulator.
  • Open Google Play Store and Type "Voter Helpline" in the search bar.
  • Find the Voter Helpline app from appeared search results and Click on Install.
  • After installed click on Voter Helpline from the home screen to start using it.


In conclusion, Voter Helpline App For PC allows voters to gain access to information necessary for ballot-making decisions, and it Ensures ease of registration.

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Voter Helpline App Download For Pc


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